Move your mouse to generate a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address
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OR type some random characters into this textbox:
A Bitcoin wallet is as simple as a single pairing of a Bitcoin address with it's corresponding Bitcoin private key. Such a wallet has been generated for you in your web browser and is displayed above.
To safeguard this wallet you must print or otherwise record the Bitcoin address and private key. It is important to make a backup copy of the private key and store it in a safe location. This site does not have knowledge of your private key. If you are familiar with PGP you can download this all-in-one HTML page and check that you have an authentic version from the author of this site by matching the SHA256 hash of this HTML with the SHA256 hash available in the signed version history document linked on the footer of this site. If you leave/refresh the site or press the Generate New Address button then a new private key will be generated and the previously displayed private key will not be retrievable. Your Bitcoin private key should be kept a secret. Whomever you share the private key with has access to spend all the bitcoins associated with that address. If you print your wallet then store it in a zip lock bag to keep it safe from water. Treat a paper wallet like cash.
Add funds to this wallet by instructing others to send bitcoins to your Bitcoin address.
Check your balance by going to or and entering your Bitcoin address.
Spend your bitcoins by going to and sweep the full balance of your private key into your account at their website. You can also spend your funds by downloading one of the popular bitcoin p2p clients and importing your private key to the p2p client wallet. Keep in mind when you import your single key to a bitcoin p2p client and spend funds your key will be bundled with other private keys in the p2p client wallet. When you perform a transaction your change will be sent to another bitcoin address within the p2p client wallet. You must then backup the p2p client wallet and keep it safe as your remaining bitcoins will be stored there. Satoshi advised that one should never delete a wallet.

A Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet is as simple as a single pairing of a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address with its corresponding Bitcoin Cash (BCH) private key. Such a wallet has been generated for you in your web browser and is displayed above.
To safeguard this wallet you must print or otherwise record the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address and private key. It is important to make a backup copy of the private key and store it in a safe location. This site does not have knowledge of your private key. If you are familiar with PGP you can download this all-in-one HTML page and check that you have an authentic version from the author of this site by matching the SHA256 hash of this HTML with the SHA256 hash available in the signed version history document linked on the footer of this site. If you leave/refresh the site or press the "Generate New Address" button then a new private key will be generated and the previously displayed private key will not be retrievable. Your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) private key should be kept a secret. Whomever you share the private key with has access to spend all the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) associated with that address. If you print your wallet then store it in a zip lock bag to keep it safe from water. Treat a paper wallet like cash.
Add funds to this wallet by instructing others to send Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address.
Check your balance by going to and entering your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address.
Spend your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) by downloading the wallet and sweeping the full balance of your private key into your account. When you perform a transaction your change will be sent to another Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address within the p2p client wallet. You must then backup the p2p client wallet and keep it safe as your remaining Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will be stored there. Satoshi advised that one should never delete a wallet.
- Usa el tab "Direcciones en masa" para generar por anticipado muchas direcciones (más de 10000). Copia y pega la lista de valores separados por comas (CSV) a un archivo de texto seguro (cifrado) en tu ordenador. Guarda una copia de seguridad en algún lugar seguro.
- Importa las direcciones en la base de datos de tu servidor. No subas la cartera ni las claves públicas, o de lo contrario te lo pueden robar. Sube sólo las direcciones, ya que es lo que se va a mostrar a los clientes.
- Ofrece una alternativa en el carro de la compra de tu web para que los clientes paguen con Bitcoin. Cuando el cliente elija pagar con Bitcoin, les muestras una de las direcciones de la base de datos como su "dirección de pago" y guardas esto junto con el pedido.
- Ahora te hace falta recibir una notificación del pago. Busca en google "notificación de pagos bitcoin" (o "bitcoin payment notification" en inglés) y suscríbete a alguno de los servicios que aparezcan. Hay varios de ellos, que te pueden notificar vía Web services, API, SMS, email, etc. Una vez te llegue la notificación, lo cual puede ser automatizado, entonces ya puedes procesar el pedido. Para comprobar a mano si has recibido un pago, puedes usar Block Explorer: reemplaza DIRECCION a continuación por la dirección que estés comprobando. La transacción puede tardar entre 10 minutos y una hora en ser confirmada.
Puedes ver las transacciones sin confirmar en:
Las transacciones sin confirmar suelen aparecer ahí en unos 30 segundos. - Las bitcoins que recibas se almacenarán de forma segura en la cadena de bloques. Usa la cartera original que generaste en el paso 1 para usarlas.
[NOTA: esta casilla de entrada puede aceptar una clave pública o clave privada]
[NOTA: esta casilla de entrada puede aceptar una clave pública o clave privada]
Bitcoin v0.6+ almacena las claves públicas comprimidas. El cliente también soporta importar/exportar claves privadas usando importprivkey/dumpprivkey. El formato de las claves privadas exportadas depende de si la dirección se generó en una cartera antigua o nueva.