Move your mouse to generate a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address
妥善保管你的钱包 为了保护你的钱包,建议你用打印或者其他方式来保管你的私钥和地址。把你的私钥备份保存在安全、保密的位置是必要的。本站不提供私钥的相关知识,请自行学习。如果你熟悉PGP,你也可以下载这个HTML文件(它是单文件全功能的),用它的SHA256摘要和作者在本站页脚留下的相比对。本工具支持离线使用,这样它生成的私钥-地址就很难被监视了。比特币私钥必须保密,任何知道你私钥的人都可以随意花费其对应地址的比特币。你可以打印你的钱包(即纸钱包),把它装进一个防水的口袋里——就像你在保管纸币一样。
获得比特币: 让别人往你的地址汇入比特币。
查询余额: 访问blockchain.info或者blockexplorer.com可以查看到任何地址中的比特币余额。
花费比特币: 你可以下载比特币客户端,或者访问blockchain.info之类的在线钱包网站,导入你的比特币私钥来花费对应地址上的比特币。如果你选择了客户端,每当你发送一笔钱之后,找零有可能会发回客户端生成的另外一个地址,记得备份客户端生成的钱包文件,否则你可能丢钱。比特币作者中本聪说过,不要删除任何钱包,因为你的亲戚朋友说不定还会往你的旧地址里汇款。

A Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet is as simple as a single pairing of a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address with its corresponding Bitcoin Cash (BCH) private key. Such a wallet has been generated for you in your web browser and is displayed above.
To safeguard this wallet you must print or otherwise record the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address and private key. It is important to make a backup copy of the private key and store it in a safe location. This site does not have knowledge of your private key. If you are familiar with PGP you can download this all-in-one HTML page and check that you have an authentic version from the author of this site by matching the SHA256 hash of this HTML with the SHA256 hash available in the signed version history document linked on the footer of this site. If you leave/refresh the site or press the "Generate New Address" button then a new private key will be generated and the previously displayed private key will not be retrievable. Your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) private key should be kept a secret. Whomever you share the private key with has access to spend all the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) associated with that address. If you print your wallet then store it in a zip lock bag to keep it safe from water. Treat a paper wallet like cash.
Add funds to this wallet by instructing others to send Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address.
Check your balance by going to and entering your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address.
Spend your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) by downloading the wallet and sweeping the full balance of your private key into your account. When you perform a transaction your change will be sent to another Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address within the p2p client wallet. You must then backup the p2p client wallet and keep it safe as your remaining Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will be stored there. Satoshi advised that one should never delete a wallet.
- 在批量钱包选项卡预生成大量比特币地址(比如,一万个)。把生成的逗号分隔值清单(CSV)复制到一个安全的环境中,注意备份。
- 把地址列表导入到Web服务器上(注意,不要把私钥部分也一并导入,否则会有被盗的危险)
- 为你的客户提供一个比特币支付的接口。每当一名客户选择使用比特币支付,你就从你的数据库中提取一个地址,作为该客户专用的“付款地址”,并保存订单信息。
- 接下来你需要一个收款通知,联系相关服务的供应商(谷歌搜索“bitcoin payment notification”),它们可以监视指定地址的资金变动,并通过WebAPI、短信、电邮或者其他方式来提醒你,你也可以通过编程使一切自动化。在地址 或者地址 查看交易确认数。通常情况下,你能够在30秒之内看见交易,而根据你对安全的要求不同,你可能需要10分钟到1小时的时间等待交易确认。
- 比特币在区块链上稳定之后,你就可以使用在第一步中生成的私钥来花费它们。
Bitcoin v0.6+ 存储压缩格式的公钥。现在客户端支持导入/导出私钥,命令是importprivkey/dumpprivkey,导出的格式可能因钱包文件版本而不同。
(51位base58字符) '5'开头
(压缩格式,52位base58字符) 'K'或'L'开头